Use the directory below to find resources to assist you in caring for Vermont's woods. Don't forget to check out the Directory of Organizations for a listing of organizations and agencies available to provide educational, technical, and financial assistance.
To add or edit a resource in this directory, please email
A listing in this directory does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by UVM Extension or any of our partners.
Climate Change and Vermont's Forest
A webinar presentation by Sandy Wilmot, VT FPR Climate Change Program, on recent trends in Vermont’s climate and ways to assess forest and tree vulnerabilities and implement strategies to build resilient, adaptable forests.
Exploring Silvicultural Strategies in Northern New England – Irregular Shelterwood
This webinar will trace the origins of the irregular shelterwood system in Europe and North America and will define how this method is distinct from conventional shelterwood and balanced selection systems.
Adapting Forests to Changing Conditions: Tools and Approaches for Natural Resource Professionals
This presentation will describe how the Forest Adaptation Resources ad its Adaptation Workbook can be used to think about climate change for management planning and project development.
Exploring Silvicultural Strategies in New England: American Beech
This webinar will explore the story of American beech in the northern hardwood forests.
Exploring Silvicultural Strategies in Northern New England: Oak Systems
This webinar presents a variety of irregular shelterwood methods that change in relation to topographic position and species composition for upland mixed-oak forests of southern New England.
Meet Vermont’s Revised Acceptable Management Practices (AMPs)
This webinar will highlight updates to the rules and best practices in protecting Vermont’s waterways while carrying out forestry activities.
Adapting Vermont Forests to Climate Change
This webinar will highlight on recent trends in Vermont’s climate and adaptation strategies for land managers to build resilient, adaptable forests.
Navigating Vermont Wetland Rules: Understanding Forestry and Silvicultural Allowed Use
This webinar will explore what you need to know when practicing forestry near or in wetland environments.
Invasive Plants: Preventing and Managing the Spread
This webinar will cover best practices in invasive plant management and provide you with resources to plan, map, and prioritize control efforts.
Exploring Silvicultural Strategies in Our Changing Forests: Northern Hardwoods
The webinar will include a refresher on sivilcultural systems and practices, including reviewing silvics of individual species and general stand dynamics.
Exploring Silvicultural Strategies in Northern New England III: Eastern White Pine
This webinar will continue the silvicultural theme of the first installments, using New England's most iconic and widely studied tree species, eastern white pine.
Exploring Silvicultural Strategies in Northern New England: Eastern Hemlock and Northern White-Cedar
Building on earlier presentations about northern hardwood and conifer forests, this webinar will focus on eastern hemlock and northern white-cedar in northern New England.
The Importance of Trees in Stormwater Management
Trees provide us with a wide range of benefits, including acting as natural reservoirs by intercepting rainfall, which can reduce stormwater runoff volume and mitigate its negative effects. The benefits of trees and other green stromwater infrastructure (GSI) management practices, especially in urban and suburban settings, are being more widely recognized as a solution to protect our waterways.